Craft Shows

2024 Craft Shows

April 1 & 2  VT Gatherings "Spring Market" Champlain Valley Expo, 105 Pearl Street, Essex Jct., VT
                          Sat. & Sun. 10am - 5pm
April 22 - USM Spring Craft Show, Costello Sport Complex Gym, Gorham, Maine

May 6 - The Summit Craft Fair, 10am - 2pm, 56 Summit Drive, Whitefield, NH

June 17 - Mohawk Falls - 7th Annual Dixville Notch Music, Art & Crafts Festival 

July 1 - 53rd Annual Burklyn Summer Craft Fair, 10am - 4pm, Bandstand Park, Lyndonville, VT

July 3 - Rangeley Lakes/Joan Frost Memorial Arts & Crafts Show, Lakeside Park in Downtown Rangeley, Maine
            10am - 4pm

July 8 & 9 - Summer Solstice Craft Show, Wells Jr. High School, Route 1 (1470 Post Road), Wells, Maine
                    Sat. 10am - 4pm, Sun. 10am - 3pm.

July 13 - 2023 Strawberry Festival, Oquossoc Town Park, Oquossuc, Maine.  10am-3pm

July 15 - Great North Woods Center for the Arts Craft Show, 1993 US Rte. 3, Columbia, NH, 10am - 3pm

August 12 - Oquossoc Day Art & Antiques Show, on the grounds of the Outdoor Heritage Museum, 
                     8 Rumford Rd., Oquossoc, Maine,  10am - 4pm.

August 17 (Thursday) - 48th Annual Rangeley Blueberry Festival, Town Park, Rangeley, Maine, 10am-3pm.
                   (Rain date--August 18)

September 9 & 10 - Summer Solstice Craft Show, Wells Jr. High School, Route 1 (1470 Post Road), 
                      Wells, Maine, Sat. 10am - 4pm, Sun. 10am - 3pm.

September 16 - Fall Festival Art & Antiques Show, on the grounds of the Outdoor Heritage Museum,
                      8 Rumford Rd., Oquossoc, Maine, 10am - 4pm.

October 7th - Fall Foliage Craft Fair, Hardwick Elementary School, 135 S. Main Street, Hardwick, VT, 9am - 3pm

October 14 - Great North Woods Center for the Arts Fall Craft Show, 1993 US Rte. 3, Columbia, NH, 10am-3pm

November 4 - National Life Craft Show, 1 National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT - 9am - 3pm

November 18 - Thetford Academy Holiday Craft Bazaar, Thetford, VT 9am - 2:30pm

Dec. 2 & 3 - A Holiday Market 2023 - Champlain Valley Exposition, 105 Pearl St., Essex Junction, VT
                     10am - 5pm (both days)

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